Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration (back)
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration (back)
Quarter Leather on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite Edge
Quarter Leather on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite Edge
 Quarter Leather on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite Edge
Quarter leather binding with paper cover and colored edge
Quarter leather binding with paper cover and colored edge
Quarter leather binding with cloth cover and colored edge
Quarter leather binding with cloth cover and colored edge
Quarter leather bindings (detail)
Quarter leather bindings (detail)
"Book in a Box" - Half leather binding with marbled paper
"Book in a Box" - Half leather binding with marbled paper
"Book in a Box" top view
"Book in a Box" top view
"Book in a Box" (detail)
"Book in a Box" (detail)
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling (detail)
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling (detail)
Single flexible binding in calf with blind tooling
Single flexible binding in calf with blind tooling
Allum tawed leather over boards
Allum tawed leather over boards
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding (detail)
Carolingian binding (detail)
Limp vellum binding with bone clasps
Limp vellum binding with bone clasps
Limp vellum binding with  bone clasps
Limp vellum binding with bone clasps
Coptic binding
Coptic binding
Coptic binding
Coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration (detail)
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration (detail)
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book" (folded out)
"Atlas Book" (folded out)
Clamshell Box for Book and Memorabilia
Clamshell Box for Book and Memorabilia
Clamshell Box for Book and Memorabilia (Detail of encapsulated butterfly)
Clamshell Box for Book and Memorabilia (Detail of encapsulated butterfly)
Clamshell Box With Drawer for Photos and Encapsulated Leaves
Clamshell Box With Drawer for Photos and Encapsulated Leaves
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample (detail)
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample (detail)
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration (back)
Fine leather binding with Ascona inlays and sprinkled edge decoration (back)
Quarter Leather on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite Edge
Quarter Leather on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite EdgeQuarter Leather Binding on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite Edge
 Quarter Leather on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite Edge
Quarter Leather on Raised Cords with Marbled Paper Covers and Graphite Edge
Quarter leather binding with paper cover and colored edge
Quarter leather binding with paper cover and colored edge
Quarter leather binding with cloth cover and colored edge
Quarter leather binding with cloth cover and colored edge
Quarter leather bindings (detail)
Quarter leather bindings (detail)
"Book in a Box" - Half leather binding with marbled paper
"Book in a Box" - Half leather binding with marbled paper
"Book in a Box" top view
"Book in a Box" top view
"Book in a Box" (detail)
"Book in a Box" (detail)
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paper
"Millimeter Binding" set in leather and paste paperxxxxx
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling (detail)
Fine leather binding with onlays and palladium tooling (detail)
Single flexible binding in calf with blind tooling
Single flexible binding in calf with blind tooling
Allum tawed leather over boards
Allum tawed leather over boards
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding
Carolingian binding (detail)
Carolingian binding (detail)
Limp vellum binding with bone clasps
Limp vellum binding with bone clasps
Limp vellum binding with  bone clasps
Limp vellum binding with bone clasps
Coptic binding
Coptic binding
Coptic binding
Coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Wooden coptic binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Woven Longstitch binding
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Set of "non-adhesive" bindings
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration (detail)
Non-Adhesive Binding with Japanese paper and cover decoration (detail)
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
Set of classic flatback and rounded back bindings
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book"
"Atlas Book" (folded out)
"Atlas Book" (folded out)
Clamshell Box for Book and Memorabilia
Clamshell Box for Book and MemorabiliaClamshell Box for Book and Elements
Clamshell Box for Book and Memorabilia (Detail of encapsulated butterfly)
Clamshell Box for Book and Memorabilia (Detail of encapsulated butterfly)
Clamshell Box With Drawer for Photos and Encapsulated Leaves
Clamshell Box With Drawer for Photos and Encapsulated Leaves
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample (detail)
Traditional bookbinding sewing techniques sample (detail)
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